The Dance Move that Sparked a New Era

The twist dance move became known to all music fans in the early 1960’s.  It started around the Rock and Roll era in which dancing became more free willed and liberating. Its roots trace back to Chubby Checker who created a remake of a previous song. The newest form of “The Twist” became an instant hit to all listeners. The song was performed by Checker on American Bandstand and a new dance went along with it. It involved pelvic movement, shuffling of the feet, and arm rotations as well. The twist was danced by large audiences, but it differed from many earlier forms of dance . It was one of the dances performed in unison, but without partners. The dance itself was influenced by the Rock and Roll era in the days of Elvis Presley. The twist not only was performed in the sixties but it has translated in many ways to some modern forms of dance.